Organic biofertilizer / Soil conditioner / Bio-protector
Is a New Generation of organic microbial technology for growers that sustainably improves the Bloom Cycle of the plants, boost root and plant vigor, for helping build healthy and quality fruits, flowers, and vegetables. Is an organic soil conditioner, bio-protector and organic biofertilizer constituted by a strain of PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting
Rhizobacteria), that covers the biofertilization of all macronutrients (NPK). It is designed to be active across a diverse range of high-value produce, geographies, and for all types of modern growing systems from field to greenhouse to hydroponics, for both organic and conventional growers. More robust plants can better deal with the challenges of production agriculture, including transplantation of seedlings, poor soil, extreme weather and other biotic and abiotic stresses. LivGreen restores
essential phosphorus and potassium in your soil, add other essential nutrients and plays an important role in the complex nature of nitrogen cycle, one of the hardest nutrients to manage, helping to keep more plant-available nitrogen in the soil.
Product Benefits
• Provides essential nitrogen
• Restores beneficial soil bacteria
• Bolsters root growth and root mass
• Produces greater crop uniformity
• Improves soil structure and health
• Increases Water and nutrients uptake
• Improves nutrient profile in soil
• Improves nitrogen fixing and utilization
• Enhance the soil water retention
• Reduces the soil salinity
Guaranteed Analysis
Lives Anaerobic Bacteria
Azospirillun brazileira 106 cfu/g …… 2.86 %
Mineral blend …………………………… 97.14 %
Cfu/g = colony forming units per gram